Ivo’s Blog by Godutch Realty

a Costa Rica real estate blog

Pet culture and stray dogs in Costa RicaArtboard 2

Pet culture and stray dogs in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Until recently, dogs were not part of most families in Costa Rica, nor was there any pet culture at all. Now, almost everyone has one or more pets at home. Some years ago, people were complaining that in their condominiums, dog owners wouldn’t clean up the poop their dogs leave…

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What makes Living in Escazu Unique?Artboard 2

What makes Living in Escazu Unique?

Estimated Reading Time: 11 minutes Do you know what makes Escazu unique? Living in Escazu is different than it is elsewhere in Costa Rica, anywhere, really. I moved to Escazu in the 80s, when we had cows and horses in the streets. Now, living in Escazu is comparable to urban living in other parts of…

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5 Best Seafood to Try in Costa Rica

Do you enjoy seafood as much as I do? Before I moved to Costa Rica, I was strictly a meat person. I would kill for a medium-rare steak! When I married Nina, who is a seafood person, I was introduced to the world of seafood. And I really never went back. When straddling both the…

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