Ivo’s Blog by Godutch Realty

a Costa Rica real estate blog

Premium Costa Rica Home Purchase Advice by BuyerArtboard 2

Premium Costa Rica Home Purchase Advice by Buyer

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes I have some home purchase advice that I’m sure you’ll like. My wife and I learned a lot when we bought our home in Costa Rica, and I’d like to share this advice with you. I am TicoNuevo and moved to Costa Rica in 2013. This is one of the…

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Why Zoning is so important when you purchase Costa Rica real estate?Artboard 2

Why is Zoning so important when purchasing real estate?

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Do we have zoning? Imagine buying a property and finding out later that you’re not allowed to construct, or install the business that you had in mind? In my opinion, that is a great reason to investigate first. Before you purchase real estate in our beautiful country, you first want…

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How to Deal With Pre-Construction Changes And Get It RightArtboard 2

How to Deal With Pre-Construction Changes And Get It Right

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes Pre-construction changes are probably the most difficult ones to make when buying a home. You’re dreaming about moving into that brand-new home or condo soon and then it turns out it isn’t as great as you had imagined. For a real estate developer or a builder, a client who changes…

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Should I trust the home inspector I hire when I buy a house in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Can you trust the home inspector to do a good job when you buy a home in Costa Rica? Will he be on your side? A client asked me that question some time ago, which left me speechless. I know that she is reading this blog. And I want her…

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A Beginner’s Guide to Flipping Houses in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Flipping houses is a financially helpful pastime that isn’t done that often in Costa Rica. Nonetheless, in some specific areas of Costa Rica, flipping houses may soon become a very profitable business. Although it can be an expensive business to start on, the payoff can be hundreds of thousands of…

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Is Vinyl Plank Flooring Right For Your Costa Rican Home?

Have you thought about using vinyl plank flooring in your home? Costa Rica is characterized by the beautiful balance between indoor and outdoor living. Spacious verandas, large glass sliding doors, and nature-inspired flooring are just a few features that blur the line between life within homes and their outdoor spaces. For many homeowners in Costa…

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3 Considerations When Buying Renovation Property in Costa RicaArtboard 2

3 Considerations When Buying Renovation Property in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Before you purchase a renovation property, there are a couple of considerations you should take into account. The minimum cost of constructing a Costa Rican house from scratch is about $750 per square meter, according to American-European. Depending on your budget, you might think it cheaper to just buy a secondhand…

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Building a private road in Atenas

Most people never build a private road in their lives, but mine deserves telling about it. It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to write about our continuing efforts constructing a new home in Atenas. While our custom home construction project moved forward, we saw the need for a new design and construction…

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Carport or Garage – Which suits your home best?

Only those who move from another tropical country understand why a carport or garage is so important. For a buyer who comes from another country, it is essential to understand the importance of a carport or a garage. That’s because if you have a car(s) in the tropics, you will want it under roof. Because…

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