Ivo’s Blog by Godutch Realty

a Costa Rica real estate blog

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5 Magic tips for a normal life while selling your house

Planning on selling your house or you already have it for sale? I bet you already know that selling a house in Costa Rica can take a while. Some don’t realize that the time that it takes, is really up to the seller. Pricing is usually the reason that a house sells quickly, or not!…

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What is parado de uñas in Costa Rica

If you really want to go native when living in Costa Rica, you should learn the typical Tico slang or Tiquismo that is used by the locals. In other blogs, I have told you about Chunches, Upe, and some others. Today’s turn is for “estar parado de uñas“. What is parado de uñas in Costa…

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What is Upe in Costa Rica?

Everyone in Costa Rica knows what upe is. Or uuuuupeeeeeee, when you yell it. If you don’t say upe loud enough, nobody will hear you and they won’t come to the door. Do you want to know what Upe in Costa Rica is? Alf Giebler, in his book “A lo Tico”, says that is means…

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Costa Rica ~ Pura Vida poem

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes Pura Vida is everywhere here, but this is the first Costa Rica Pura Vida Poem written. I always enjoy it when the expats who moved to Costa Rica have a good time, especially when they tell others about it. There is already enough negativity in this world. Costa Rica ~…

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20 Genius household hacks that work in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 9 Minutes My blogs are meant to make things easier for you when you live in Costa Rica. That’s why this time I have tried to find 5,555 genius household hacks that should work in Costa Rica. I decided to start with only 20 of them and leave a few for some other…

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12 facts that everyone living in Costa Rica takes for granted

Estimated Reading Time: 8 Minutes When you first arrive in a new country, there are concepts, habits, and unique facts that everyone notices. They might be the reason you move to Costa Rica or not, but you assume you’ll do all you can to enjoy them. After a while of living in Costa Rica, you…

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7 Costa Rica Real Estate Contract Killers You Should Know About

Do you think that as soon as the real estate contract is signed, you can take the day off and celebrate? Had you heard about those horrible contract killers than can happen to anyone? I’m sorry but unless you have the perfect real estate contract and everything else falls in place, you will not be…

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How to save money on liquor in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes   Did you know that you can save a lot of money buying liquor in Costa Rica in the right place?  If you don’t drink before you move to Costa Rica, there might several reasons to start doing so pretty soon. It can be pretty warm some days and for…

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The death of a landmark in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Did you know that a landmark can be incredibly important so visitors can find your house? Few things are as hard as directions or finding an address in Costa Rica if you have recently arrived. Even if you are fluent in Spanish. Our addresses are weird. Even if you use…

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