Tag: Atenas

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Let’s compare Escazu and Atenas lifestyle

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes If you plan to move to the Central Valley, you want to know if the Escazu or Atenas lifestyle is for you and your family. There is a huge difference between living in Atenas and living in Escazu. Those who live in Atenas wouldn’t live for anything in the world…

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Buying Atenas Property During Covid19 with GoDutch Realty

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes My husband and I were considering relocating to Costa Rica after one visit.  So we signed up with Christopher Howard for a retirement tour of 10 days in January 2019. As part of the tour, we attended an extremely informative two-day seminar with ARCR. There, we were introduced to Ivo…

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The mangoes at my Atenas rental home are keeping me awake

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes I read the complaint “the mangoes are keeping me awake”. This complaint was from a client who had signed an agreement on an Atenas rental home. Strange, I thought, I never have any heartburn when I eat mangoes. I get it from pineapple but not from mango. When I read…

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4 Top locations with outstanding Central Valley views

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes There are 4 amazing top locations where you can buy or build a home with outstanding Central Valley views. Mind you, there are plenty of other locations too, but you’ll be ready to hang yourself when you try to sell again. Living on a property with a great valley view…

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16 Magnificent terrace views of Atenas homes

As you have probably noticed before, I like to use visual materials to show our clients and readers what Costa Rica is all about. Visual materials show the magnificent terrace views of Atenas homes better than any beautiful write-up, even though our Atenas agent does a real good job on that too. That’s the advantage of…

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Which powers of attorney does your property manager in Costa Rica need?

Many homeowners forget to give their property manager the necessary powers of attorney to do the job. Then they find out when it’s too late. This is more or less how it happens: Everybody involved in the real estate closing is exhilarated, the buyer most of all. Of course, she is. Susan just closed on…

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12 Bugging reasons for not moving to Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes Let’s do something different today; let’s talk about reasons for NOT moving to Costa Rica. Thanks to Marian, our real estate agent in Atenas, and her almost-famous tenant, I’m able to write another blog. This story is about the tenant who has done us a favor by writing a 7-page…

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12 Noisy reasons to terminate an Atenas lease agreement (or anywhere else)

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Is it easy to terminate a lease agreement in Costa Rica? At GoDutch Realty we don’t do many lease agreements. The main reason for this is that many tenants feel that the agents are responsible for every detail until the tenants pass out or pass away. There is not much…

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How to make payments to your Costa Rica home builder or not

Do you have faith in your home builder? I used to, I thought he was good and honest! Many home lot owners in Costa Rica, once they are ready to start building, do all the wrong things. That is mostly for lack of experience. Most of us only build one house in a lifetime, or…

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Book an Atenas vacation rental on time or sleep in the park

The Atenas vacation rental is the hottest item this season. If you are looking to rent a home in Atenas – Costa Rica, you need to reserve on time; please do so. If you don’t, you will have to sleep on a bench in the park of Atenas. Atenas has a very nice park, mind…

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