Tag: Traffic

In Costa Rica we drive over the dead - speed bumpsArtboard 2

In Costa Rica we drive over the dead – speed bumps

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes We have speed bumps in Costa Rica, lots of them. And often won’t even see them until you hit them at full speed. In Spanish, they call them “muertos”. The translation of un muerto is a dead person, but it is also a speed bump. I know, it’s a strange…

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Why we do not take property listings outside our area code

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Some property sellers do not understand that we do not take property listings outside our area code. I decided on this blog because a property seller wanted one of our agents to take a listing outside her area code. Agent Brooke Bishop works in the Grecia area, but lives in…

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What can happen at the traffic light in Costa Rica?

Stopping at a traffic light in Costa Rica can bring a lot of surprises, driving is different. A traffic light in Costa Rica creates a surprising business center. A traffic light is a great place to try to sell you something or beg for money. Because there is nowhere to go but wait for the…

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