Tag: Medical services

How to find Ambulance Services in Costa RicaArtboard 2

How to find Ambulance Services in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Do you need ambulance services to get to the hospital in Costa Rica? Then make sure you know your Tico address. This is important so the ambulance will know where to find you. We don’t have real addresses, you know! If you don’t want the ambulance to get lost, ask your…

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Private Healthcare in Costa RicaArtboard 2

Private Healthcare in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 8 Minutes Are you wondering about private healthcare in Costa Rica? In 45 years of living in Costa Rica, I’ve seen many Costa Rican hospitals on the inside, excluding CAJA hospitals. Here, you don’t need a referral from a general practitioner to go to a specialist. You just go directly to a…

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Same-sex couples health coverage at CAJA approved

Same-sex couples health coverage through CAJA is now possible. Although Costa Rica is way behind on some human rights issues like the “in vitro” case, the CAJA has been able to make a huge change in its rules and regulations. On November 19, 2014, the CAJA or C.C.S.S. (Social Security system in Costa Rica) approved…

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Please crack my neck – the best chiropractor in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes How did I end up having my neck adjusted by the best chiropractor in Costa Rica? It took me years to find Dr. James D. McLellan in Santa Ana. Now I visit Dr. Jim (506) 2282-3998 / 8702 -0172 just for maintenance, once in a while. When I don’t forget. As…

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Ticonuevo’s medical appointment and medical exams in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes I couldn’t connect with a recommended English-speaking specialist for a medical appointment.  You’ll see, I’ve learned to have patience. I was having a troubling medical situation. So now my Plan B is to attempt to see a GP in the town next to mine. I called and the receptionist connected…

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Looking for medical attention in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes When moving to Costa Rica you’ll need medical attention.  So what’s available when you retire here? While we’re still waiting for our “cedula de residencia” as “pensionados” we’ve kept our MediCare in the States. Just in case there is a real medical necessity. So, if something major required a return…

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Orthopedic problem in knees and feet | get it fixed in Costa Rica

Do you also have an orthopedic problem? I have been struggling with bad pain in my feet for years and no doctor could find what the problem was. Thank God for the internet (not of Facebook this time), that made it possible for me to find out that I have a neurological problem. Well, it’s…

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