Tag: Living in Escazu

What makes Living in Escazu Unique?Artboard 2

What makes Living in Escazu Unique?

Estimated Reading Time: 11 minutes Do you know what makes Escazu unique? Living in Escazu is different than it is elsewhere in Costa Rica, anywhere, really. I moved to Escazu in the 80s, when we had cows and horses in the streets. Now, living in Escazu is comparable to urban living in other parts of…

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15 Benefits of Urban Living in Escazu

Estimated Reading Time: 8 Minutes To make it easier for you to decide if urban living in Escazu is a better lifestyle choice for you than other parts of the country, I have come up with 15 benefits. When I moved to Costa Rica in 1980, Escazu was the most attractive community for expats. In…

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Let’s compare Escazu and Atenas lifestyle

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes If you plan to move to the Central Valley, you want to know if the Escazu or Atenas lifestyle is for you and your family. There is a huge difference between living in Atenas and living in Escazu. Those who live in Atenas wouldn’t live for anything in the world…

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The death of a landmark in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Did you know that a landmark can be incredibly important so visitors can find your house? Few things are as hard as directions or finding an address in Costa Rica if you have recently arrived. Even if you are fluent in Spanish. Our addresses are weird. Even if you use…

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