Tag: Due diligence

Do not change your new environment too much when moving to Costa RicaArtboard 2

Do not change your new environment too much when moving to Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Many people looking to relocate or retire to another country change for the attraction of a new environment. Of course, when you’ve lived all your life with cold winters, you dream of a life on the beach. But does the beach offer you a new environment that you can live…

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Due diligence before you purchase property in Costa Rica

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Of course, everyone says they have done their due diligence before they buy a property. Unfortunately, many think they do. They end up buying in the wrong place and say it’s everyone’s fault, except their own. This happens more often than you think. That’s one of the reasons I always…

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Don’t keep your AOL email account when you move to Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes If you decide to keep your AOL email account even after you move to Costa Rica, you will ask yourself soon why nobody gets in touch with you anymore. If you keep using your AOL email account, you will stop hearing from your beloved family members, your former neighbors and…

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How important is learning Costa Rican Spanish during due diligence?

Now that we are in the country, we are scrambling to learn Costa Rican Spanish. Try to find the time before you leave North America or wherever your home country is, to learn some Latin American Spanish. Latin American Spanish, and more specifically Costa Rican Spanish, is not the King’s Castilian Spanish as spoken in…

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Bits and Pieces from our due diligence trip to Costa Rica

When we returned from our due diligence trip to Costa Rica in February of 2012, the work really began. Now things started to get pretty interesting. So first, before we head home from our due diligence trip, let me pass along a few bits and pieces that I haven’t covered yet or require reinforcement. As…

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