Tag: Covid 19

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Where To Get a 24-hour Covid 19 Test In Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes We receive questions about a 24-hour Covid 19 Test from clients every day. Visitors from the U.S. are not confident about flying to Costa Rica so because they don’t know where to get the test before flying back into the United States. At GoDutch Realty, we do all we can…

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Buying Atenas Property During Covid19 with GoDutch Realty

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes My husband and I were considering relocating to Costa Rica after one visit.  So we signed up with Christopher Howard for a retirement tour of 10 days in January 2019. As part of the tour, we attended an extremely informative two-day seminar with ARCR. There, we were introduced to Ivo…

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Travel to Costa Rica from Virginia during Covid19 in September 2020

My husband James and I recently had to travel to Costa Rica from Virginia as tourists. And I thought I would share my experiences and tips that might help others. This is a reminder that these processes are evolving and should only get easier as time goes by. At this time to enter Costa Rica…

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