Tag: Sunshine

Costa Rican weather and temperatures: what you need to knowArtboard 2

Costa Rican weather and temperatures: what you need to know

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes I’m sure you already know that the Costa Rican weather is one of the country’s most attractive advantages. Nonetheless, you might not know that the weather and temperatures can change tremendously from one village or town to another. A friend sent me some very cold-looking photos of snow-covered roads, rooftops,…

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Do we really get a lot of sunshine in Costa Rica?

Is there a lot of sunshine in Costa Rica? When they read that Costa Rica has the best climate in the world, some think it’s all advertising techniques. Is it for real? Is the climate in Costa Rica really so good? Or doesn’t have the number of sunshine hours so much to do with the…

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Costa Rica is a tropical country – some weather observations

Did you know that Costa Rica is a tropical country? And that there a few things you should know about living in a tropical country before you move? You may have already guessed, I’m from the West Coast. A second-generation native Californian, in fact. Both sides of my family lived In California for about a…

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