Tag: Rent in Costa Rica

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10 Important Lease Agreement Data Tenants Need to Pay Attention To

The rules for a lease agreement in Costa Rica are not as simple as you might think. I’ve seen 3-page and 10-page lease agreements. But if at one point during the lease there is a problem between the parties, there is no simple solution. Costa Rica courts are not known for being speedy. A lawyer…

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40 Smart Steps to Take before Renting a Home in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 11 Minutes Now you probably say “40 smart steps to take before renting a home”? Why so many? You would think that renting a home in Costa Rica is easy. It is when you already live in the country, and if you speak Spanish, it’s a piece of cake. But when you’re…

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The 10 things I hate most about bad landlords

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes A reader suggested I should do a blog about bad landlords. Recently, I did a blog on the 9 things I hate most about tenants in Costa Rica. Thanks, Molly for your suggestion. The fact is that no matter if you rent in Costa Rica or elsewhere, you’ll find bad…

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Is it difficult to change money in Costa Rica?

When moving to Costa Rica or just visiting you will need to change money for your day to day expenses. Often, clients ask if it is difficult to change money and if it is really necessary. The legal currency in Costa Rica is the Colon. Nonetheless, U.S. dollars are used for more expensive items like…

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7 Benefits of renting an apartment in the Central Valley

Some of you are not even thinking of renting an apartment in the Central Valley when moving to Costa Rica. And others do. Why is that? Are there any benefits to renting first? Most our clients from up north and Europe are retirees, looking for a much different lifestyle than they were used to. No…

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Rent furnished or unfurnished when moving to Costa Rica?

Moving to Costa Rica and you don’t know if you should rent furnished or unfurnished? I know that is quite a difficult decision. But don’t go crazy over it, that’s why we are here: to assist you. The very first question you need to ask yourself is if you will move to Costa Rica permanently…

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The 9 things I hate the most about tenants in Costa Rica

I am a landlord myself. Dany and I thought it was a good idea to purchase a small 2 bedroom condo in Sabana as income property some years ago. Hey, I’m a real estate broker, so we should own some rental property too, right! First, we had several tenants from hell, one after another. Sadly,…

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