Tag: Phone

Frustrated with getting Utilities Connected in Costa Rica?Artboard 2

Frustrated with getting Utilities Connected in Costa Rica?

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes Getting utilities connected in Costa Rica can be a frustrating process, especially for newcomers unfamiliar with the country’s bureaucracy and service delays. Buying a property in Costa Rica is a relatively simple process. However, the challenges to getting utilities connected often begin with the language barrier, as most communication with…

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Please do not leave a message – Voicemail in Costa Rica

I hate voicemail. Please don’t leave a message, call me back later. You can also send me an email, a message on Whatsapp, or even on Messenger. But don’t leave a voicemail, please! Oh, and I’m not complaining, I’m just saying. Communications are supposed to get easier, but are they? I’m not even a real…

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Everything about utilities in Costa Rica

When you move to Costa Rica, utilities are very important, if you purchase or even rent. Some just forget about it, others leave it for the last possible moment. How can you figure this all out? Imagine having to live without the internet for 3 days? Not ready to buy a house but planning to…

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