Tag: Lifestyle

What makes Living in Escazu Unique?Artboard 2

What makes Living in Escazu Unique?

Estimated Reading Time: 11 minutes Do you know what makes Escazu unique? Living in Escazu is different than it is elsewhere in Costa Rica, anywhere, really. I moved to Escazu in the 80s, when we had cows and horses in the streets. Now, living in Escazu is comparable to urban living in other parts of…

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Does Costa Rica have security issues or notArtboard 2

Does Costa Rica have security issues or not

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Why is there so much razor wire everywhere? It seems there are security issues in Costa Rica, or not? Many clients ask if Costa Rica has security issues when they start their due diligence. Usually, that is because they see so much razor wire and bars everywhere. Most cities and…

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Do not change your new environment too much when moving to Costa RicaArtboard 2

Do not change your new environment too much when moving to Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Many people looking to relocate or retire to another country change for the attraction of a new environment. Of course, when you’ve lived all your life with cold winters, you dream of a life on the beach. But does the beach offer you a new environment that you can live…

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A Former Expat about Life in Costa Rica in the 90’s

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes I have thought about writing to you to say how much our life in Costa Rica meant to us. First of all, I want to tell you about another special experience we had there.  When we moved down to Costa Rica, I purchased two Isuzu Troopers to take with us. …

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New condo towers in Costa Rica offer a change of lifestyle

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Life in the suburbs is changing, tremendously, with new condo towers everywhere. I remember like yesterday, that we had cows and horses in the street a while ago. Jeez, time flies. And the world has changed so much. And Costa Rica is now a whole different world than the one…

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13 Reasons to look for a new lifestyle in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes Now that you found this article, I’m sure you’re looking for a new lifestyle in Costa Rica. You’ve done the same thing all your life and you’re now totally fed up with it. It’s time you start thinking of yourself now and not everyone around you. Costa Rica is so…

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Is a lifestyle at the beach for you?

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes A dream of a lifestyle at the beach usually involves white sand beaches, palm trees, and quite a few piña coladas. This dream can easily turn into a nightmare if you don’t figure it all out in time. GoDutch Realty services only the west side of the Central Valley. That…

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