Tag: Costa Rican corporation

Legal Obligations when Owning a Corporation in Costa RicaArtboard 2

Legal Obligations when Owning a Corporation in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Did you know you have certain legal obligations when owning a corporation in Costa Rica? Corporations are used to do business and often to hold property. For many years, lawyers have recommended that foreigners use a corporation to own property in Costa Rica for liability reasons. Money laundering laws have…

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Inactive corporations in Costa Rica must declare assets in 2021

In December 2019, the Costa Rica Tax office published a resolution that starting 2021, existing inactive corporations must declare their assets. This must be done between January 1st and March 15th, 2021. New corporations will have to do this starting 2020 but let your attorney worry about that when he/she constitutes a new corporation for…

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How to dissolve your Costa Rican corporation

Maybe you have a reason to dissolve your Costa Rican corporation? As many of you are aware, or certainly should be aware by now, the Costa Rica government imposed an annual corporation tax on all Costa Rican corporations. This is done by way of Law No. 9204 in 2012. The date the law was implemented…

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