Tag: Coffee

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Costa Rican Coffee – What Makes It So Special?

Have you ever wondered what makes Costa Rican Coffee so special? In terms of coffee production, Costa Rica is way down the list. But when we talk about quality, this small country can hold its own against any origin you care to name. A long history – a head start on the neighbors Costa Rica…

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What is a chorreador de cafe in Costa Rica?

I’m pretty sure you don’t know what a chorreador de cafe in Costa Rica is. In simple English, it’s a Tico coffee maker. The correct verb for using a chorreador is chorrear café = to pour coffee. Ticos swear by a real cup of coffee. Why wouldn’t they, we have the best coffee in the…

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Sexy condos and your ultimate costa rica real estate experience

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Costa Rican coffee and sexy condos in Costa Rica have a lot in common. They can both give you the ultimate experience. Both are for gourmets, connoisseurs, those who have higher standards than average. I remember very well my first cup of coffee in Costa Rica, it was totally horrible.…

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