Tag: Caja

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Same-sex couples health coverage at CAJA approved

Same-sex couples health coverage through CAJA is now possible. Although Costa Rica is way behind on some human rights issues like the “in vitro” case, the CAJA has been able to make a huge change in its rules and regulations. On November 19, 2014, the CAJA or C.C.S.S. (Social Security system in Costa Rica) approved…

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How Ticonuevo got his Dimex residency card in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Did you receive your Dimex residency card yet? Our “moving-to-Costa-Rica” travails are pretty much behind us. Our recent focus has been getting our Dimex residency card (cedula de residencias) making us official full-time retired residents of Costa Rica. It was the biggest item and the one that has also taken the…

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